Quality of Life...
Below are our articles on the subject of Quality of Life. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Accepting Terminal Illness
A look at the process of accepting a terminal illness, for the patient as well as for friends and family members. Includes an overview of the stages of grief outlined…...

Battling Terminal Illness
A look at the specifics of battling terminal illness, including exploring treatment options, staying emotionally strong, and accepting the help of friends and family…...

Coping Strategies
coping with terminal illness, hiring caretakers, home medical equipment, adjustable beds, lift chairs, bathroom safety products, commodes...

Expressing Difficult Emotions
A look at the importance of expressing emotions, even those which are hard to share, for terminally ill patients and those closest to them....

Granting Last Wishes of the Terminally Ill
Ideas for people who hope to help grant the last wishes of a terminally ill friend or family member; includes information for locating large organisations that…...

Holding on to Hope
A guide for terminally ill patients who wish to hold on to the hope that they will beat the odds and live healthy lives. Offers suggestions for seeking the support of…...

Keeping Life as Normal as Possible
Explores the need for some terminally ill patients to maintain their daily lives in as close to normal manner as possible. Encourages patients and those who love them…...

Making Memory Books/Tapes/Videos
Information about creating personal memorabilia for survivors. Offers ideas for terminally ill patients who hope to help their friends and loved ones to remember them....

Making the Most of Every Day
Offers recommendations for terminally ill people to prioritise their lives in such a way as to put having fun and expressing emotion at the top of their to-do lists....

Resolving Unfinished Business Before Your Die
Advice for the terminally ill about resolving unfinished business, including personal and legal matters. Encourages the writing of ADRTs, living wills, and traditional…...

Respecting a Patient's Wishes
Advice for caretakers and loved ones of terminally ill patients regarding the need to respect the wishes of the dying regarding care, lifestyle, and ultimately, dying....

Spiritual Issues for the Terminally Ill
A look at spirituality as it relates to the terminally ill. Includes information for members of organised religions as well as those who are not associated with any…...