Sharing the News...
Below are our articles on the subject of Sharing the News. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Alleviating Children's Fears Following The Terminal Diagnosis of a Loved One
A guide for parents who must explain the death or impending death of a loved one to a child. Advises honesty while recommending that parents exercise caution to…...
Explaining Death to Children
A guide for parents about explaining death to children. Includes information for various ages of kids, as well as stressing the importance of providing straightforward…...
Illness and Death
A look at the process of informing children, family members, friends, and employers about the illness and impending death of a terminally ill patient....
Letting Employers Know about Your Illness
Advice for terminally ill patients about how to break the news of their illness to their employer, as well as thoughts on how illness can impact other employees and…...
Telling Children that a Parent is Ill
Advice for telling children that one of their parents is terminally ill. Includes specifics for different ages, as well as recommendations for helping kids to grieve....
Telling Children that they are Terminally Ill
A guide for parents who must tell their terminally ill children about their diagnosis. Recommends gentle honesty teamed with an effort to create an environment of…...